June 15-17, 2025

Designed to take you beyond your comfort zone and into your zone of genius - where your annual income becomes your monthly income, and what seemed impossible becomes your new normal.

What if everything you believe about success is based on someone else’s limitations? What if you could strip away years of programming about what’s ‘realistic’ and step into your true potential – where your annual income becomes your monthly income, and quantum leaps are natural?

A Message from Your Host, David Neagle

When I started my journey decades ago, I was a high school dropout working the loading dock, barely making $20,000 a year. I was stuck in what I now recognize as the classic poverty mindset – cutting coupons, hunting for sales, and living in constant fear about money. I had a family to support and couldn’t seem to break out of the cycle, no matter how hard I worked.

Then I discovered something that changed everything: Our results aren’t determined by our strategies, our education, or even our past experiences. They’re determined by our relationship with success itself.

Over 25 years of working with entrepreneurs and business owners, I’ve discovered something profound: The difference between those who create quantum leaps in their income and those who stay stuck isn’t strategy – it’s their deep-seated beliefs about what’s possible for them.

Here's a hard truth:

Right now, you’re living at a fraction of your potential. Not because you lack ability, education, or opportunity – but because you’ve been programmed to think small.

To see barriers where there are bridges.

To mistake comfort for safety.

What if that could change in just three days?

When I ask entrepreneurs if they’re ready to turn their annual income into their monthly income, I usually get one of two responses:

The first group immediately starts listing all the reasons why that’s “impossible.” They talk about the economy, their market, their competition. They explain why their industry is “different.” They pull out spreadsheets showing why it can’t be done. Their mind immediately goes to all the reasons why not.

The second group leans in and asks:


The difference between these two groups isn’t skill, strategy, or circumstance.
It’s their relationship with what’s possible.

Which group are you in?

Here's what fascinates me:

I’ve watched people from both groups create extraordinary transformations – but only after they made a fundamental shift in how they think about success. I’ve seen entrepreneurs go from making $20,000 a month to over $200,000 in less than 90 days once they understood this crucial difference.

The truth is, turning your annual income into your monthly income isn’t about working harder or longer hours. It’s not about complex strategies or fancy marketing funnels. It’s about understanding how to create a belief and then how to work with universal laws instead of against them.

Think about this: Every quantum leap in history happened because someone was willing to question what everyone else believed was “impossible.” The Wright brothers didn’t accept that humans couldn’t fly. Edison didn’t accept that we were meant to live in darkness. They asked different questions – and got different results.

This is what I’ve seen over and over again: When you change your relationship with success — when you truly understand that you were designed for greatness — quantum leaps become not just possible, but natural. The universe has already provided everything you need to succeed. The only thing holding you back is what’s happening in your mind.

The Becoming 12X Process is about making this shift — about removing the mental blocks keeping you from your true potential and creating a new belief while working with universal laws instead of against them. Because here’s what I know for certain: You’re stronger than you think you are. You’re more capable than you’ve been led to believe. And you were born for far more than you’re currently experiencing.

The only question is: Are you ready to stop accepting your current limitations as truth?

This is Not Another "Think Positive" Event

Let me be clear:
The Becoming 12X Process is not about sitting in a chair for three days listening to motivational speeches and lectures. This is an intensive, immersive experience designed to fundamentally transform how you think about, create, and experience success.

Over these three powerful days, you’ll engage in a carefully crafted sequence of exercises, reflections, and breakthrough experiences that will systematically dismantle the limitations keeping you from your true potential.

This process works because it goes far beyond surface-level strategies or temporary motivation. Through guided facilitation, powerful questioning, and targeted exercises, you’ll:

Identify and eliminate the deep beliefs that have been unconsciously running your financial life.

Experience a profound shift in how you see yourself and what you believe is possible.

Learn to access your natural state of genius where quantum leaps become normal.

Master the universal laws that govern wealth and success (and see where you’ve been working against them).

Develop the kind of belief that makes the “impossible” inevitable.

Create a clear, actionable path to turning your annual income into your monthly income.

Why 3 Days Now Will Save You 3 Years Later

There’s a profound difference between gathering information and experiencing transformation. You could spend years reading books, watching videos, and attending one-day seminars — collecting pieces of the success puzzle. But here’s what I’ve learned from working with thousands of entrepreneurs: Real transformation happens in immersion.

Here’s why these three days are so powerful:



Think about it like this

Imagine trying to learn a new language by studying for 15 minutes once a week. Now imagine immersing yourself in that language for three intensive days. Which approach do you think creates faster, more permanent results?

Most importantly, these three days save you from the most expensive cost in business: the cost of staying stuck in old patterns. Every month you continue operating from your current mindset is another month of leaving money on the table.

Another month of playing smaller than you’re capable of.

Another month of impact not created.

I’ve watched entrepreneurs spend years trying to “figure it out” on their own, when they could have experienced a complete transformation in three focused days. The question isn’t whether you can afford to take three days away from your business.

Really, the question is: Can you afford not to?

This intensive format isn’t for everyone. It requires commitment. It requires courage. But for those ready to make a quantum leap in their business and life, these three days will save you years of struggle, strain, and incremental progress.

*Note: This three-day transformation is only possible with full presence and participation. If you’re not ready to fully commit to these three days, this isn’t for you.*

What Others Have Experienced

Event Details

Dates & Times
June 15-17, 2025
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET Daily
*Doors open at 9:00 AM for registration and networking*

Atlanta, Georgia

Your Experience Includes:

The only thing standing between you and exponential income growth is the decision to show up differently. Make that decision now.

*Once you register, you’ll receive a comprehensive welcome packet with detailed information about the venue, travel recommendations, and how to prepare for your transformation experience.*


Limited Time Super Super Early Bird Pricing

Transform your life and business at the founding member rate of $2,500 (Regular Price: $4,000).
Only available until February 28, 2025.

Super Super Early Bird
$1,500 OFF!


Super Early Bird
$1,000 OFF!


Early Bird
$500 OFF!




Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

This process is specifically designed for entrepreneurs and business owners who:
– Feel stuck at their current income level despite working harder and longer
– Know they’re capable of more but can’t seem to break through their ceiling
– Find themselves constantly worried about money despite “doing everything right”
– Are tired of watching others in their industry thrive while they stay stuck
– Have tried various strategies and tactics but keep hitting the same walls
– Feel exhausted from the constant hustle without seeing proportional results
– Know deep down they’re playing smaller than they’re capable of

Whether you’re currently making $100,000 or $1M+, if you recognize yourself in any of these patterns, this process will transform how you create success.

Most business events focus on treating symptoms – giving you new strategies, tactics, or temporary motivation. The Becoming 12X Process is different because it addresses the root cause of what’s holding you back.

Through my proprietary process, you’ll experience a series of carefully designed exercises and breakthroughs that permanently shift how you think about and create success. This isn’t about taking notes to implement “someday” – it’s about real-time transformation through experiential learning.

Think of it this way: If your business results are like an iceberg, most events only deal with what’s visible above the water. Our process addresses the 90% below the surface – the beliefs, programming, and patterns that actually determine your results. When you change those, everything else changes automatically.

Let me be direct: This process isn’t a magic wand, and anyone who promises instant solutions isn’t being honest with you. What this process will do is give you the tools, understanding, and shifts necessary to solve problems at their root cause rather than just treating symptoms.

Think of it like learning to play a musical instrument. I can teach you the fundamental principles, show you proper technique, and give you powerful tools – but you’ll need to practice to master it. The same is true here. You’ll experience profound shifts during our three days together, but maintaining and building upon those shifts requires commitment to the process.

It’s like building a new house – we’ll help you tear down the limiting structures and lay a solid foundation, but you’ll need to continue building on that foundation using the tools we provide.

Let me share something profound I’ve learned over 24 years of helping entrepreneurs transform: Your doubt isn’t actually yours. It’s based on a belief you received before you were old enough to question it. Let me explain.

The desire you feel for something greater isn’t random – it’s actually evidence that it’s possible for you. As I often teach: no desire is felt until the supply is ready to appear, and no mind can be conscious of a need unless the possibility of its fulfillment already exists.

This process isn’t about forcing yourself to hit some arbitrary number or trying to copy someone else’s version of success. It’s about uncovering what YOU truly want to create.

Think about this: Everything that humans have ever created first existed as “impossible” in someone’s mind. The Wright brothers were told human flight was impossible. Edison was told electric light was impossible. Yet here we are.

Your dreams – whether they’re about 12X growth or something entirely different – are trying to tell you something about your potential.

Remember: You don’t doubt your dreams because they’re impossible. You doubt them because you were taught to. I’ll show you how to strip away that programming and access your natural state of genius where quantum leaps become normal.

The 12X Difference

Let me paint a picture of what becomes possible when you complete The Becoming 12X Process — not just in terms of income, but in who you actually become.

You’ll wake up each morning with an unshakeable knowing about what you’re capable of creating. Not the kind of surface-level confidence that comes from a good day or a big win, but a deep, permanent understanding of your true power.

Your relationship with money transforms completely. Instead of constantly thinking about what you can’t afford or waiting for sales, you’ll naturally make decisions from abundance. You’ll find yourself investing in opportunities that the old you would have been too afraid to consider. Why? Because you’ll understand at your core that you can always create more.

Decision-making becomes crystal clear. You’ll stop asking “What if it doesn’t work?” and start asking “How can I make this work?” When opportunities appear, you’ll evaluate them from possibility rather than fear. You’ll move through the world like the success you were born to be — not the person you were programmed to be.

Your energy shifts dramatically. People will notice something different about you — a natural authority and certainty that attracts opportunities, relationships, and resources. You’ll find yourself having entirely different conversations because you’re asking entirely different questions.

Most importantly, success becomes your natural state rather than something you’re chasing. You’ll stop trying to “figure out” how to succeed and start allowing success to flow through you. The universe has an abundant supply of everything you want — you’ll finally understand how to work with these universal laws instead of against them.

Here’s what this looks like in practical terms:

You'll make decisions quickly and with complete clarity.

Money flows to you with increasing ease.

You naturally attract high-level opportunities and relationships.

Problems become puzzles to solve rather than barriers.

Your income grows without working longer hours.

Success feels natural rather than something you have to force.

Most Importantly – You Experience Genuine Excitement About Your Future

The old patterns of self-doubt, second-guessing, and playing small simply won’t fit who you’ve become. Like a snake shedding its skin, you’ll naturally leave behind the limitations that have kept you stuck at your current level.

This isn’t about becoming someone different — it’s about becoming more fully who you already are beneath the programming. It’s about accessing your natural state of genius where quantum leaps are normal and success is inevitable.

Think about it: How would your life be different if you absolutely knew – not hoped, not wished, but knew – that you could create whatever level of success you truly desired? That’s who you become through this process.

*Note: This level of transformation is only possible for those who are truly ready. If you’re looking for “tips and tricks” or “quick fixes,” this isn’t for you. But if you’re ready to become the person who naturally creates extraordinary results, secure your spot now.*

Our Bold Promise & Guarantee

I’m so confident in this process and its power to transform your business and life that I’m willing to take all the risk off your shoulders.

Here’s my promise to you: Show up ready to fully engage in this process, and by the end of Day One, you’ll experience such profound shifts in how you think about and create success that continuing will feel inevitable.

In fact, I’m so certain about this that I’m offering you my “Quantum Leap” guarantee:

If after fully participating in Day One, you don’t believe you’ve received breakthrough value that will fundamentally change how you create success, simply let our staff know before leaving that evening and we’ll refund your entire registration fee – no questions asked.

Why am I willing to make such a bold guarantee? Because after 24 years of helping entrepreneurs create quantum leaps in their income and impact, I know what’s possible when you’re ready to step into your true potential. I’ve watched too many people transform their entire relationship with success in a matter of hours to have any doubt about what these three days can create for you.

Copyright 2025 - Trainings with David Neagle - All Rights Reserved
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